Data Processing Services


CSRS’s in-house data processing has over 100 years of combined programming experience. CSRS offers tabulations of data with or without statistical testing. Our use and knowledge of the most sophisticated tabulation packages allow us the flexibility to meet almost any data processing requirement. Your organization has the assurance of quality results because of our extensive knowledge of spec writing (tabulation programming) and our rigorous documentation and record-keeping. Our staff has a sophisticated knowledge of questionnaires and puts forth extraordinary efforts to do your work with accuracy, care, and speed.

CSRS runs all gathered/collected data through an extremely rigid cleaning program which thoroughly checks for three main principles: logic, consistency and permissible data options and/or congruency. All data entry is done in-house at CSRS.

CSRS’s in-house coding department converts verbatim responses, phrases, and ideas from open-ended questions into numeric codes that can be translated into quantitative data. This process organizes and simplifies the many different responses into something that is quantifiable and understandable. CSRS can either code open-ended questions or provide them as verbatims in a format you have specified.

CSRS provides multivariate statistical analysis for marketing segmentation, forecasting, and predicting and explaining behavior.

Data processing services are often the lifeblood of many industries. As technology advances, companies that outsource their data processing needs can reap tremendous benefits, including faster turnaround times and lower overhead costs. Whether you need to handle your company’s data processing in-house or you want to outsource it to the experts, there are plenty of ways to ensure that your data processing efforts are effective and efficient. CSRS provides all the information you need to make smart decisions about your data processing needs, whether you’re processing the data yourself or contracting an outside service provider.

What is Data Processing?

Data processing is any computer process that converts data into information.

The three main steps in data processing are input, output, and storage.

Data can be processed manually or automatically. Automatic data processing is done by computers and other electronic devices. Some automated processes include card reading for credit cards, scanning for barcodes, and connecting to the internet. Manual data processing is done by people who use a keyboard to enter the text from paper documents.  A software developer must be aware of the entire life cycle of a system, which includes design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. 

When Do You Need Data Processing Services? 

There are several circumstances in which you might need to outsource data processing services. Perhaps you have more data than you can handle in-house, or maybe you need to save on labor costs. In any case, working with a reliable data processing company can help streamline your business operations. A few key things to consider when choosing a data processing company.

First, make sure they have experience in your industry. For example, the company must have worked with retailers in the past, especially if you’re in retail. Next, ask how long they’ve been around and what their clients say about them. Lastly, inquire about pricing and compare quotes from several companies before deciding. Data processing services can take the burden off your shoulders so that you don’t have to worry about it anymore!